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Conference Papers
Hong Kong People Working on the Mainland: Modes of Adaptation and Political Attitudes
Hong Kong Political Science Association, August 2010, Baptist Univ., HK Zweig, David Links:
Diaspora Delivers Diversity
Keynote speech at the 10th National Metropolis Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 9 October 2007 Zweig, David Date: Monday, 20 April 2009 Time: 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Venue: SO-102, Dorothy Y. L. Wong [...]
China’s energy anxiety
Conference on Foreign and Security Policy Issues in Asia, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Hong Kong, China, 18 March 2013 Zweig, David Stephen SOSC INTRODUCTION: During the two years I spent [...]
Learning to Compete: What Role Does China’s Government Play in Triggering a ‘Reverse Brain Drain’?
Presented at the 8th Guangzhou Conference on Returnees, Ministry of Education, Guangzhou (in Chinese), 27 Zweig, David INTRODUCTION: A unique quality of China’s efforts to encourage people trained overseas [...]
Opinion US-China trade dispute Tussle for tech supremacy powers US-China animosity
A recent lecture at a conference in Sanya, China, at a conference run by CCG, was published by the Financial Times, David Zweig 6 December 2018 INTRODUCTION: Confucius, in [...]
负担教育论坛, v. 7, (1), 2004, p. 39-47 Zweig, David; Rosen, Stanley Links:
Images of the Outside World: The Impact of Overseas Studies
Conference on 'Foreign-Domestic Linkages in China's International Behaviours,' Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria, BC, April 24-25, 2008 Published in: The China Quarterly No. 202 (JUNE 2010), pp. [...]
A Limited Engagement: Mainland Returnees from Canada
Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada, December 2008 Zweig, David Stephen EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: International student exchanges and overseas education can play an important role in building bridges between countries. By living [...]
Transnational Capital: Valuing Academic Returnees in a Globalizing China
Paper presented at the conference on “Bridging Minds Across the Pacific The 25-Year Sino-U.S. Educational Exchange,” Fudan University, Shanghai, November 10-11 Zweig, David Stephen; Hao, Yufan Links: [...]
欧美同学2006北京论坛文集,留学研究, Beijing, October 28 2006, p. 31-37 Zweig, David Links: