

Backchat: June 4th under NSL

By |June 6th, 2021|Categories: Podcasts|

Link: BackChat: 4 June 2021 Hugh Chiverton and Danny Gittings June 4th under NSL On Friday's Backchat: Click here for Full Segment of the RTHK Radio 3 audio file with David Zweig, Professor [...]

How will President Joe Biden handle China?

By |January 24th, 2021|Categories: Video|

ABC News Live Prime January 22, 2021 Interview with David Zweig Current state of affairs in Hong Kong and discussion of the future of China relations with the new administration. Dr Zweig's interview appears [...]

US-China relations: Pompeo’s bomb-throwing Taiwan shift leaves Biden in bind with Beijing

By |January 18th, 2021|Categories: Articles, Opinion|

David Zweig South China Morning Post 18 January 2021, 1:00am: By putting Taiwan’s status regarding the United States and China at the top of President-elect Joe Biden’s foreign policy agenda, he has introduced a serious [...]

Backchat, US and Taiwan relations

By |January 13th, 2021|Categories: Podcasts|

Link: BackChat: 12 January 2021 Hugh Chiverton and Ada Wong Legal year 2021/ US and Taiwan relations On Tuesday's Backchat: Last Segment on the page 9:15-9:30am: with David Zweig, Professor Emeritus, Division of [...]

To get young Hongkongers to take up mainland job opportunities, build trust and avoid politics

By |December 19th, 2020|Categories: Articles, Opinion|

David Zweig South China Morning Post 19 December 2020, 6:45am: Those who want to work on the mainland will go, but the government should not expect a one-off policy to resolve anti-mainland sentiment among Hong [...]

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