RTHK BackChat Episode 578626 - 24 June 2019

Link: rthk.hk/radio/radio3/
BackChat: 24 June 2019
Hugh Chiverton and Mike Rowse

On Monday’s Backchat,, we’re talking about the latest developments in the extradition bill controversy.

An uneasy sort of calm broken out this weekend, with Carrie Lam silent and invisible, but senior officials promising the administration will learn from its mistakes, and urging people to look and move forward together.

In fact the DAB is suggesting that the Government to completely withdraw the extradition bill, although the FTU disagrees. There are also growing calls for an inquiry into police action, and then there’s the question of how police should respond to the unprecedented 15 hour siege of their headquarters on Friday.

As another working week starts, where do we stand? Will nothing much happen until the G20, and perhaps July 1st? Are calls to retract the bill meaningless, as Legislator Tam Yiu-chung says, or meaningful? Will there be any resignations or reshuffles? Do you accept the apologies and trust that something will change?

We’ll be joined as usual by a panel of guests.

– Alan Lung, Governor, Path of Democracy
– David Zweig, Chair Professor, Division of Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
– Thomas Cheung, NPC Delegate; and Advisor, Committee for Youth, Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong
– Bonnie Leung, Vice Convenor, Civil Human Rights Front
– Gordon Mathews, Professor of Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong